We may learn about risk factors for young-onset breast cancer. Participants will be informed of webinars related to cancer and the environment. We may learn about factors influencing quality of life, psychosocial wellbeing, and survival. We also intend to develop intervention studies in the future which will be offered to young-onset breast cancer participants. In addition, other people at risk for or with breast cancer may benefit from the knowledge gained from this study.

The known or expected risk associated with this study is that you may feel uncomfortable answering some of the questions on the questionnaire. However, this risk is rare and you can skip these questions. 

After enrolling in YO MI-CARES, you will complete the enrollment questionnaire that takes about 1 hour. Then you will be asked to complete a follow-up questionnaire one year after your breast cancer diagnosis and then every year until 20 years after your diagnosis. In addition to the time above, we will also collect information from your medical records in years 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 after your breast cancer diagnosis.

Overall, the study is expected to continue for 20 years. 

Your privacy is our priority. Your research information will be stored in a secure, encrypted electronic database and will not be made a part of your regular medical record. 

Your participation in YO MI-CARES is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at any point in the study! 

You will receive a $10 gift card after you complete the enrollment questionnaire as a small token of appreciation for participating in YO MI-CARES.

The purposes of the study are (1) to understand the impacts of environmental exposures on the risk of developing breast cancer among young women, and (2) to understand how treatment and pre-/post-cancer lifestyle affect the quality of life and well-being among young breast cancer patients.  

We have four specific aims for YO MI-CARES. 

If you are not eligible for this study, we still thank you for your interest in YO MI-CARES, and encourage you to check back on this webpage for future study opportunities.